After a wonderful, much needed break from ‘computing’…I’m happy to be plugged back in and ready to go!
Sorry, for those of you who are faithful readers, I’ve not kept you up on all the fun stuff that’s been going on~!
In a nut shell….I got caught up on my Wedding albums, learned some new software and new techniques, did some really fun Family sessions and some great Engagement sessions for 2010 Weddings!
I flew to Yuma Arizona to visit with my folks and of course to see how the feline family members were enjoying their winter get-away. The little one is growing fast and he is B…A…D! Having almost thirty pounds of CAT pouncing on you in a strange bed at 2:00 AM is not my idea of a restful vacation… however it was great to see the brats and my parents of course, I was well looked after by them and their crazy friends! 🙂 PS… it took a few days to get the hairball up, but finally…
The best so far was running away with my favourite man to Cuba for a vacation. This was our third time to Cuba and the best yet, without a doubt! We stayed at Sandals Hicacos, Varadero and it was fantastic. We couldn’t ask for more… met great friends, wonderful Cuban people, had hot sunshine, beautiful beach and …OK and the mojitos were pretty good too… ;-}
We were a little lazy this time though , pretty much sticking right to the beach for the whole the week. In past years we’ve gone to Havana, which was a photographers DREAM! Incredible architecture, MUSIC and just the feeling you get being there is indescribable. I would like to spend some more time there on a future trip, I felt so robbed when we had to leave. We did venture into the town of Varadero for a few hours one day. There is a beautiful, little church that’s open to the public. Gorgeous inside!
Other than that, the biggest decisions were what swimsuit to wear and “whether to walk the beach this morning or this afternoon”. LOVE IT!!
I feel like we’re very privileged to be able to enjoy this beautiful gem.
Thanks Pete and Jen for all the fun!