This is such an incredible opportunity to be able to show women their beauty, inside and out. I don’t care HOW gorgeous you are, unfortunately every woman suffers from some kind of insecurity about something. Lately, I’ve been hearing it all. My nose is too big, my thighs aren’t slim, I have freckles, my tummy is flabby… *ARRRRRGGG. *lol There are things I feel that way about too but I have tried very hard to show and feel gratitude to my body for getting me around every day and for being strong and resilient and beautiful and imperfect in an original way. 45 years and it’s taken THAT long to find peace in stretch marks and ‘fullness’ in the behind, hangy skin, (is that a word?) and LACK of curve…I could go on. The truth is that it’s me. The only ME out there…anywhere on the planet! I’ve come to love it all and as it ages I love it more for it’s time on this earth and still being able to move and stretch and bend and see and walk or run, carry and lift, among other incredible feats. Truly amazing when you think about it. The point is that we need to stop comparing ourselves to Photoshopped magazine photos and love the originality that makes us, US. Flawed, original, gorgeous, soft and beautifully imperfect.
Here is a session I shot at the beginning of the month with two beautiful and FUN ladies. Such a great session and thanks to both of them for allowing me to use these images to promote this newest venture in my artistic life 🙂