It’s been a busy weekend with Weddings both Friday and Saturday and then Run day was yesterday!! I’ve been volunteering to photography the Run for the Cure in Simcoe for a few years now and every year is such a great experience. EMOTIONAL ….but great none-the-less. It’s a blatant reminder how SO many of us are suffering with a loved one or ourselves, with this dreaded disease. I can honestly say that I know very few people who have not been affected by it or known someone affected by it in some way. I am reaching my forth year cancer-free and my heart goes out to anyone who’s on the crazy ride of diagnosis, treatment and emotional and physical healing. It’s a telling journey about spirit and faith and my wish for anyone struggling right now is that they can uplift themselves to see past the pain and anguish to find that they have the incredible courage and strength to heal.
There was a fantastic turn-out yesterday despite the bad weather (SO COLD!!!) and Simcoe and area alone raised approximately $177,000!! YAYYYYY!!!!! I am constantly amazed at the dedication of the employee volunteers of the Simcoe CIBC. These men and women donate SO much time and energy to this and the Delhi Fashion Show event, year after year. Kudos to them all!
Here’s a few photos….see ya’ next year 🙂