What feels like a lifetime ago, I was a floral designer and managed one of the largest boutique flower shops in the Hamilton area. It was a DREAM JOB! …believe me. The incredible sweet, fresh smell when you walked in the door every morning is something I really miss. Even now when I walk into any flower shop I breathe in that amazing fragrance and say hello to all the happy flower faces! lol! I KNOW, I know…..*goofball* yes, it is the truth. 🙂
It’s in my blood though for sure. I spent a huge amount of time with my grandparents when I was young and I remember my grandma was crazy about flowers and plants. She had them in every corner of her house and all around their trailer at the lake. Flowers everywhere! She must have had a real green thumb because they were all beautiful, in great condition. She’s spend hour after hour carefully plucking the brown expired blooms and gently turning them for the sun the next day. Always making sure they had enough water….that must have been where I got it. 😀
All through that time I was in flowers I was still dreaming of having my own full-time photography business but could really only afford to do it on the weekends. I wasn’t making enough income at that time to justify that only as a job, so I struggled doing everything I could to make my dream happen. Eventually, I started to believe I could do it and then things really turned around, to where I am now.
So, a couple of weeks ago I just got the itch to do some shots of my beautiful friends and luckily there’s an amazing shop I can see right out my studio window…Brantford Blooms Florist.
Olga has a beautiful selection every week so I knew I’d find some beautiful blooms to photograph and I did. Here are a few of my favourites.