One of my favourite times with new Wedding couples is during their Engagement Session! Meeting for the consultation is always an investigative process for me as I try to get a sense of what they like to do as a couple and to incorporate it into the E-session. What kind of people are they are and how do they interact with each other? The ideas are endless for things to do and areas to shoot in. Hiking, biking, skating, coffee house, fair… I’ve even been fishing with one couple! FUN!!
It’s great to get out and do something at an event or in a natural or urban landscape and folks who have a hard time relaxing for photos tend to be a little more at ease when we do something active.
A few years ago I added the Engagement Session for free, as part of my Wedding Packages because it was such a valuable time for me to get to know my couples but also for them to get to know me and what they can expect. This is also a great time to give little pointers on what they can do to get the best possible images on the Wedding day in terms of posing, kissing, how to stand and embrace. The truth is that our lives are busy and this is really the ONLY time you get to spend together that is face-to-face until the Wedding day. Nobody really wants an absolute stranger showing up on one of the most important days of their lives without having the benefit of a practice run before hand! The free Engagement Session is a real icebreaker! Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to have nice Engagement PHOTOS at the end of the day too but for me… the “experience” of the session is equally as important.