Happy New Year all! I LOVE a new beginning and any reason to start fresh.
This time of year I always make sure I’m enrolled in some new program, photography workshop or learning program. Currently I’m doing an amazing on-line course with one of my Boudoir Photography mentors, Christa Meola (check her out here). She just ooooozes joy and positivity and is on a ‘mission to empower women to adore their bodies’. LOVE this message!
All this learning and marketing and vibing with other pro photographers from around the world has made me look really deeply into by business. The course includes everything from Branding/Marketing to Boudoir Wardrobe, Posing, shooting post production…*so far it’s been incredibly challenging and we’re only in the first week! haha.
What I’m learning is that definition and specificity is key to attaining your vision both personally AND professionally. These first few days in the New Year give everyone cause to review the past year and change what needs changing. How cool is that? Almost like a free pass, right? 🙂
So, my list of welcome changes, things I’d like to learn and bits that could use some improvement is lengthening….lol! The perfectionist in me keeps rambling this after that, after this, after that… but the truth is that it’s never perfect, is it? It shouldn’t be.
…and the minute it is, you might as well pack up and go home.
A wonderful constant in all the “assessment” is that I still love being a photographer. I love creating art out of life and real moments. Whewwww…! Thank goodness.
Here’s just few of my favourite moments from 2015.