NO relationship compares to the Mother~Daughter dynamic.
Love ’em, hate ’em… so much like ’em… best friends, fierce enemies….whatever. It’s volatile, yet rich. Loving and chaotic. Stormy and calm in the same breath. They drive us crazy but reflect such incredible insight at times, we wonder if they’re the same woman. We’re so fortunate to grow together. Bonding in friendship and knowledge….and when it’s our turn to become mothers, we have a visceral connection to every lecture, scolding and life lesson harped to you at 2am when you were drunk and just wanted to sleep.
We inherit incredible similarities to these women who’ve birthed us and spend their lives trying to make us decent, law-abiding citizens. But understanding who we are, who they are/were and to accept their amazing gifts that live in us is a life-long journey that requires truth….awareness and in some cases a huge amount of forgiveness.
Those of us who are still so fortunate to have our amazing mothers with us, I hope are grateful for the blessings and connection that is still possible. Those of you who’ve lost your Mother’s… I’m sorry. And know that what was true and whole within her, lives on in you.
I had the pleasure of photographing this amazing mother~daughter team. I’ve known these wonderful women for a few years now and am proud to call them both friends. They also make me shake my head in amazement of their supportive friendship and incredible loving bond.
HUGE fan of you ladies!!! xx