I’m from a family of cat-lovers.
Since I was born, we have had a cat in our lives and as much as I love my own “son” Jeffrey, nothing could have prepared me for the new additions to my parents lives. My mother called a couple of months ago and said she had adopted an 18 POUND Maine Coon named Harley. I had visions of a smalldog-sized ball of attitude with claws, taking over the house. Though he IS that… I also found a beautifully CALM and loving creature with gold slanty eyes. He loves to flirt and can actually STAND at the dining table! This cat has more personality in a back foot than any other cat we’ve had.
Another phone call…..
“Yes, we got another one! He’s a baby, only eight weeks old named Butler.”
BUTLER? I had to see for myself if he really looked like a “Butler”. I took one look at this hand-sized, orange fluff ball sleeping on the couch. Once I saw the eyes, I knew it. Prince Harry! Identical match for sure. Even when I showed the pictures to my sweetie, all he said was, “Looks EXACTLY like him”.