What a gorgeous day!
I have finally… *just barely, pulled myself from the clutches of a plague I have never known before. A BRUTAL, viral behemoth that kept me bed ridden for three days!! WICKED.
Anyway, enough with the drama. Being up and around and feeling SO much better today, I’ve had a chance to re-explore my surroundings and low and behold I see a beautiful tender little, hairy nub protruding from my one of my orchids and a long, sturdy, dark red stem coming up from another! Anyone who knows me knows that besides my passion for photography I LOVE plants and flowers!! I’ve always had many, many houseplants and a number of years ago took up Orchid growing. They’re such interesting plants and each variety has it’s own personality, in terms of growing temp, light, water etc… I have had surprisingly good luck with some and not so much with others. I always get such a charge when I see they’re about to flower again. Weeeheee… I’m doing something right! It reminds me that spring is right around the corner and for those of us who aren’t huge fans of winter… this renews the faith that the white stuff will indeed go away and yes, the temperature WILL be above zero very soon.
What’s the first thing I did when I saw the new babies?
…of course. I’ve also included a few of the gorgeous tulips my sweetie gave me for Valentine’s Day!