In my humble opinion, the “pre-wedding” photography is soooo important. All these beautiful details like rings and shoes, dresses, flowers – the mood before the ceremony. Think about it this way…image you’re 80 years old and looking back on your photos. Don’t you want to remember what all of the pretty stuff looked like? Wouldn’t… Read more »
I hold such a fondness in my heart for my clients. I think cosmically we are destined to work together and the universe sends me people who will best benefit from what I offer and vise-versa. Hokey? Hogwash? …*lol Maybe, but I don’t think so….I never seem to attract any Bridezillas! Explain that one. They’re… Read more »
Amy & Brad were one of those couples I instantly bonded with. They live in Vancouver so our first meeting was a Skype call between Amy and I, while she walked the dog. *lol The conversation flowed easily, she had lots of great questions and we reviewed the Wedding plans and timeline with a… Read more »
As much as I enjoy every couple couple I work with…I have a real soft spot for Beth & Jesse. So down-to-earth, fun and relaxed…and their Wedding was so gorgeous! I’ve been shooting a lot at the Ancaster Mill in the last couple of years and absolutely love the place. As I’ve written in other… Read more »
I’m happy to be posting a few from Erin and Nick’s Wedding last weekend. This beautiful location outside Ancaster is a hidden gem. I had no idea it existed until they mentioned it would be the spot for their fabulous dinner and reception. We lucked out with the weather too…amazingly! It was such a beautiful… Read more »