So… what happens when over 300 women congregate to raise money for Breast Cancer Research, add some drinks… some food… AND fashion???
FUN, BONDING and supreme generosity!!
This fundraiser is something I have donated my time and services for, since 2007. It is a guaranteed fabulous time and a sell-out every year. The fashion show features local businesses from the Simcoe/Brantford area and all the ladies modelling the outfits are cancer survivors. This cause is very dear to my heart as I remember my own journey and victory over cancer a year and half ago. Thank goodness we have the technology…AND FUNDS, that have brought us to a place where we can count SO many survivors that go on to live fantastic and full lives.
It was so much fun shooting this event last night, I had a blast!
…and remember ladies get your PAPS and MAMMOGRAMS!!